A Little of Me


Once upon a time, I believed in a balanced life. Then I had my fifth child and realized balance is overrated. So I let go of the idea and allowed my life to become skewed—weighted by those I love most.

These writings are my creative outlet, untangle the mass of life in a way that allows me to pause and consider what I’m learning. Posting them all in one place allows me to scroll back through and remember, but also to share so that others know we aren’t alone in the journey.

And just because it’s necessary to mention–this is the only blog I write from the beautiful location of Brunswick, Maine, where I am a nurse, in grad school, and raise children. There are a few other Marian Green’s out there who write on all sorts of interesting content. Mine might be the most boring of us all. That’s the way I like it.


8 thoughts on “A Little of Me

    1. Thank you Laura! I am so glad you stopped by and took time to follow. I will be heading to your website next. Best wishes with your project! What a journey you must have walked through. You go, girl. 🙂

  1. Congrats on the publishing of your book, well done as you continue to pursue your passion of writing and expression!

      1. I had help from my Facebook friends I must admit, you can tell Nathan and Nicole are very proud of what you have accomplished, as I am sure the rest of the family is as well!

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